With summer temps averaging 100 degrees or more in Sin City, a Las Vegas bar crawl to the hottest pool parties is the perfect way to stay cool. While these wild parties are equally hot in terms of the raucous fun, pulsating beats, and scantily clad bodies, there are a few things that can prevent you from getting in and enjoying a fun day in the sun.
Some Form of ID
Since the alcohol will be flowing freely, you’ll need proof that you’re of legal age. Identification can include a driver’s license, passport, or government-issued ID card.
Even on rare cloudy days, the sun’s rays are strong enough to scorch your skin. If you don’t want to bring it, most clubs sell it–but be prepared to pay a pretty penny. Opt for SPF 30 or higher and don’t forget to reapply!
If you take prescription medication and need it with you at the pool, don’t forget to bring a valid prescription. Without proof, you’ll be forced to toss out whatever it is you brought.
Yourself, Early
There’s no such thing as fashionably late at a pool party. Avoid a long line by showing up early. Some dayclubs offer added perks or freebies for early arrivers.
Don’t Bring
Forget about packing your own brews or snacks. Vegas dayclubs won’t let you get past the door if you’re carrying anything to eat or drink whether open or closed, including bottles of water.
In addition to being a security concern, backpacks are an easy place to hide drugs and alcohol, so ditch the JanSport. Besides, it’s easy to lose track of anything you carry in once you get caught up in the fun.
Smart glasses, GoPros, and selfie sticks are no-nos at just about every Las Vegas pool party. Unless you’re ready to part with these items, leave them in your hotel room.
Yes, some Vegas dayclubs even prohibit gum. This usually extends to mints and anything else chewable.
Thinking of checking out a pool party or two this summer? We have you covered. Hop on the party bus Las Vegas tourists and locals alike love and hit up three of Las Vegas’s hottest dayclubs this summer. Visit our website for more information or book your tour here.