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Turnt Up Rules in Las Vegas, CA

Your flights are booked, your hotel room is reserved, and you are heading to Las Vegas for what’s sure to be a memorable weekend. Don’t ruin it for yourself by screwing up during your Las Vegas club crawl. Whether you’re heading to wet and wild dayclubs or classing it up at nightclubs, don’t board the party bus until you’ve read through these guidelines.


  • All guests must be 21 years of age with a valid government issued photo I.D.
  • Do not argue with nightclub or dayclub security—you won’t win. If they are denying you entry, be polite and respectful, step aside, and the host will do their best to get you in.

Dress Code

  • At nightclubs, the dress code is business casual. Absolutely no athletic wear—this is Vegas, keep it classy. Leave the sneaks, Jordan’s, Timberlands, and hats at home, and instead throw on a nice polo or button down, slacks or jeans, and dress shoes or boat shoes. Women, while a hot cocktail dress is totally appropriate, avoid excessively revealing clothing. Also, wear heels or wedges, but bring flats with you just in case. During colder winter nights, coats may be brought to the tour, however, you may NOT leave it on the bus so you must take it with you after each ride. Some clubs may require you to pay a coat check fee.
  • When heading to a dayclub, plan to wear swim attire. For women, this means a bathing suit and cover-up. Guys, no basketball shorts or wife beaters. Sneakers are okay, sandals, wedges, and heels are okay. Jerseys are NOT okay.
  • Dayclubs have strict rules on what you can and cannot bring in. Prohibited items include gum, candy, eye drops, towels, and liquids except for sunscreen. Most dayclubs allow prescription medication so long as you have a valid prescription on your person.
  • Bags should be no bigger than a small purse. Large bags and backpacks are not permitted. Some dayclubs have a bag check, but not all of them, and bag-check fees are typically $15 and up.

Party Bus

  • Don’t leave any items on the bus. Your host/Turnt Up Tours is not responsible for any items you leave behind.
  • Make sure to check-in on time. The entire group must walk in together and no one wants to wait on you. If you are late, there’s a solid chance you’ll be left outside and will have to stand line.
  • The bus will leave whether you are on it or not. If you aren’t at the designated departure point on time, that’s on you. You can, however, contact the host and they’ll get you into the next spot provided you find another way there and arrive on time.
  • Speaking of the host, they can dismiss you from the tour at any time for any reason, however, the most common ways to get dismissed are: Being overly intoxicated, Fighting, Arguing with security, or Being disrespectful to others.
  • If you’re too drunk to get on the bus on your own, you will not be allowed on the bus. Few things are worse than being stuck on a bus someone has puked in.
  • If you vomit on the bus, you’ll be charged a $500 cleanup fee on-site.
  • If you are deemed too intoxicated to continue the tour, your host will escort you to hotel security where they will find you a safe way home.
  • Drug use is prohibited and will result in immediate dismissal from the tour.
  • DO NOT harass your host. We know they are beautiful (duh), and they like to dance and make sure everyone is having fun, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to be disrespectful or downright creepy.
  • No standing on the seats. If you need to stretch your legs, wrap them around the stripper pole.
  • Our lovely and awesome hosts work on tips. If they do an amazing job and get you TURNT UP, don’t hesitate to show your appreciation. In case you’re wondering, the standard tip is $20 a person.

We know reading through a long list of guidelines isn’t fun. Let us make it up to you by getting you turnt up on one of our Las Vegas party buses. Choose from our nightclub and dayclub party bus tours—or check out both during your time in Sin City. For more info, check out our website or give us a call at (702) 843- 0525.